Monday, January 9, 2012

Normal blood pressure and how to keep it normal

Normal blood pressure is considered a blood pressure 120/80 mmHg. First value, 120 mmHg is systolic blood pressure, a pressure that develops in the moment of ejection of blood from heart into aorta. Lower value, 80 mmHg is a pressure in the moment when heart is relaxing and taking a new blood in.
Blood pressure is the force that blood creates on artery walls while pasing through the blood vessels. It is vital for function of human body. There is a natural gradient of pressure through the circulation system. That gradient ensures the blood flow from place of a higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. It is important to have normal blood pressure in order to prevent damaging of the vital organs that is caused by hypertension. Some people have naturally lowered blood pressure which is also considered normal if it doesnt cause any problems.
Blood pressure usually varies during the day. It is normally lower while you're sleeping and in the morning. When you get out of the bed it starts to rise and continues to rise until the afternoon. In the middle of the afternoon blood pressure is usually the highest. In the evening your blood pressure begins to drop again. If your blood pressure pattern is abnormal, and you have a high blood pressure in the morning you may have a health problem. You should contact your doctor.
There are many ways to keep a normal blood pressure, but getting a regular physical activity (30 min. - 1hr a day) is the most important way. Regular exercise will help your heart muscle to stay healthy and functional. Exercising regularly is stimulating circulation which helps eliminating artery clogging that can cause heart attacks and strokes.
there are diffent kinds of diets for maintaining a normal blood pressure recommended by professionals. DASH Diet focuses on vegetables and fruits and food with low fat. It invites you to reduce salt and saturated fats. It's low in cholesterol and there is enough protein, potassium, calcium, magnesium and fiber. Another dietary approach is Low Sodium Diet, also known as Salt Free Diet or No Salt Diet. If you are on diuretic for high blood pressure, then low sodium diet could be your best choice because you are salt sensitive. Salt retains water in the body, which increases  blood pressure. Since salt is the common ingredient in cans and processed foods, you should avoid them and make your own meal servings with fresh fruits, vegetable, meats, poultry and fish.  Other dietary approaches could include vegeterian diet, Mediterranean, Blood type diets and some others.

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